Let's talk
Maurice Mikkers
Newtonstraat 296
2562KZ, Den Haag
[email protected]
+31 (0)6 15 89 32 17



I was asked by Katarina Petrović to visualise the different phase transitions of 5CB under the microscope for her project Origin v.2.0,...

Micrograph Stories: Harddrugs

How Micrography sparked my interest in the evolving online drug trade. While working on the project Micrographic Stories new ideas swiftly surfaced after...

Micrograph Stories: Medicine

In the past I have been visualizing, tears, hard drugs and many other things under the microscope, during this project I started...

Imaginarium of Tears

Every tear has a hidden story. They are small droplets of fluid, but at the same time complex vials of human emotion...

Home Centre – “Unseen Tears”

Stories hidden inside a teardrop, a book that tells the hidden stories behind children’s unseen tears. Adoption is a taboo in the...

ASTi “Tear Couture”

Acid Survivors Trust International (ASTi) released a report detailing the use of acid in the supply chains of key industries, including Fashion...

“Waarom huilen we? – Het Klokhuis”

Everyone has to cry sometimes. Because you’re sad when you’re cutting an onion or watching a sad movie. But how exactly does...

Painting the Invisible

For the Art of Human Connection: Painter Christian Hook Uses Science to Decipher Emotion in Painting the Invisible. One part to make...

IDFA: Real Emotions. Real Films

Starting this week, IDFA’s new festival campaign commercial can be seen in theaters. It’s safe to say that most of us experience...

Deutsche Welle – Maurice Mikkers’ Tears

Can one determine, by the look of a tear, why it was shed? That’s a question Dutch photographer Maurice Mikkers tries to...

Movistar+ – “behind the teardrops”

At Movistar+ we have the widest variety of content, content with which to experience the widest variety of emotions. We proposed taking...

Noctiluca scintillans

On Monday the 3rd of August 2015, on the Dutch coast Noctiluca scintillans hit Scheveningen beach. Due to the news I went...

Tartaric Acid

Experiment after experiment, weighing, measuring, diluting, heating & making drops on slides, finally I got the microscopic result I was looking for,...

Polyphemus Pediculus

Polyphemus Pediculus Water Flea observed under the Dark field microscope with a variety of lenses. – LENS USE - PL4x /0.10 160/- || 100X...

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February 1, 2024


I was asked by Katarina Petrović to visualise the different phase transitions of 5CB under the microscope for her project Origin v.2.0, an ongoing research project...

View Project
June 15, 2015

Micrograph Stories: Harddrugs

How Micrography sparked my interest in the evolving online drug trade. While working on the project Micrographic Stories new ideas swiftly surfaced after starting the initial project...

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May 21, 2021

Micrograph Stories: Medicine

In the past I have been visualizing, tears, hard drugs and many other things under the microscope, during this project I started to focus on over-the-counter...

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January 1, 2015

Imaginarium of Tears

Every tear has a hidden story. They are small droplets of fluid, but at the same time complex vials of human emotion produced by one of...

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December 20, 2022

Home Centre – “Unseen Tears”

Stories hidden inside a teardrop, a book that tells the hidden stories behind children’s unseen tears. Adoption is a taboo in the Arab world and not...

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February 16, 2022

ASTi “Tear Couture”

Acid Survivors Trust International (ASTi) released a report detailing the use of acid in the supply chains of key industries, including Fashion & Textiles – and...

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October 29, 2021

“Waarom huilen we? – Het Klokhuis”

Everyone has to cry sometimes. Because you’re sad when you’re cutting an onion or watching a sad movie. But how exactly does that work? Why do...

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January 27, 2021

Painting the Invisible

For the Art of Human Connection: Painter Christian Hook Uses Science to Decipher Emotion in Painting the Invisible. One part to make emotion’s visible was trough...

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December 8, 2023

IDFA: Real Emotions. Real Films

Starting this week, IDFA’s new festival campaign commercial can be seen in theaters. It’s safe to say that most of us experience a wide range of...

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October 18, 2017

Deutsche Welle – Maurice Mikkers’ Tears

Can one determine, by the look of a tear, why it was shed? That’s a question Dutch photographer Maurice Mikkers tries to answer. He brings his...

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October 1, 2016

Movistar+ – “behind the teardrops”

At Movistar+ we have the widest variety of content, content with which to experience the widest variety of emotions. We proposed taking this discovery to the...

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August 3, 2015

Noctiluca scintillans

On Monday the 3rd of August 2015, on the Dutch coast Noctiluca scintillans hit Scheveningen beach. Due to the news I went to capture some of...

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January 8, 2015

Tartaric Acid

Experiment after experiment, weighing, measuring, diluting, heating & making drops on slides, finally I got the microscopic result I was looking for, a new way of...

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June 19, 2014

Polyphemus Pediculus

Polyphemus Pediculus Water Flea observed under the Dark field microscope with a variety of lenses. – LENS USE - PL4x /0.10 160/- || 100X ENLARGEMENT ON 35MM EQUIVALENT. PL10x...

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