Let's talk
Maurice Mikkers
Newtonstraat 296
2562KZ, Den Haag
[email protected]
+31 (0)6 15 89 32 17


The Centrifuge Camera

Providing a live view inside a lab centrifuge, showing you the process of separating different types of samples. The separation is achieved...

eScience Center Amsterdam

For this collaboration with eScience Center Amsterdam, I was asked to take images for their new website and other PR outlets...

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December 15, 2023

The Centrifuge Camera

Providing a live view inside a lab centrifuge, showing you the process of separating different types of samples. The separation is achieved by spinning the samples...

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June 14, 2021

eScience Center Amsterdam

For this collaboration with eScience Center Amsterdam, I was asked to take images for their new website and other PR outlets.

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