Let's talk
Maurice Mikkers
Newtonstraat 296
2562KZ, Den Haag
[email protected]
+31 (0)6 15 89 32 17



Campaign images made for gro-up, each image is color matched to their unique department within gro-up giving it a vivid, open and...

Lucky TV Mediamorfosen

Composite photography for the new show of LuckyTV. “LuckyTV is terug in het theater met een gloednieuwe voorstelling. Een prikkelrijke mix van...


For a while now I have been responsible for visualising the interior architecture photography for Blaha’s finished projects.

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March 15, 2022


Campaign images made for gro-up, each image is color matched to their unique department within gro-up giving it a vivid, open and inviting series.

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September 1, 2020

Lucky TV Mediamorfosen

Composite photography for the new show of LuckyTV. “LuckyTV is terug in het theater met een gloednieuwe voorstelling. Een prikkelrijke mix van beeld, geluid en stand-upcomed.”...

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June 26, 2019


For a while now I have been responsible for visualising the interior architecture photography for Blaha’s finished projects.

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